My name is Darshani, I am a well-qualified teacher and the Director of The Learning Wheel Tuition Centre. I achieved my AMBDA accredited Pg Certificate in SpLD Dyslexia specialist teaching and assessing from UCL. I am registered with PATOSS and British Dyslexia Association.
Having taught for over fifteen years (as well as being a parent) I understand how integral it is to give our children the best start in life. Tuition is not just favourable to children with learning difficulties. Essentially, almost all children will benefit from being enrolled at The Learning Wheel Tuition Centre. It is true that students who have trouble in a specific subject are the most likely to see the benefits of tutoring – but even students who do well in school can benefit from the extra boost tutoring provides at The Learning Wheel Tuition Centre.
Tuition takes place in a relaxed and nurturing learning environment where children are not scared to make mistakes. Instead they are taught to discuss the process, to solve problems and build on strategies that can be used in the future.
Call me on 07930 557 870 to book an assessment.